Deuteronomy 4:32-49


Deuteronomy 4:32-49 lead into the main body of Deuteronomy, where the Law is reviewed in chapters 5-28.  The people are reminded that none can compare with the LORD their God.  As a fitting response , they are encouraged to follow God's Law that it may go well with them in the Promised Land.  Moses leads by example, obeying God's command to set apart cities of refuge in the conquered Transjordan region; though the remaining cities of refuge were to be established after taking possession of the Promised Land (ref. Numbers 35:9-34). The same Law that was given to the first generation is now to be reviewed during this pivotal transition into the Promised Land.

Following are some reflections that may be beneficial to consider when studying this passage:
  • Verses 32-39
    • In what ways has God also demonstrated to me that there is "no other besides Him"?
  • Verse 40
    • How should I respond to the honor of being chosen to be in relationship with a loving and awesome God?
  • Verses 41-43
    • Following Moses's example, what instructions from God do I need to strive to obey now rather than putting off until later?
  • Verses 44-49
    • Why is reviewing God's Law so important?

For music that reflects the declaration in Deut. 4:35 & 39 that "there is no other", following is a link to a YouTube video:
  • "There is None Like You" by Lenny LeBlanc:  Link


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