Deuteronomy 4:15-31


Deuteronomy 4:15-31 warn against idolatry, emphasizing that worship should be directed to the Creator rather than what is created. God delivered His people from the "iron furnace" of Egypt to be His treasured possession. However, due to His zeal for righteousness, they will be driven from the land and destroyed if they forget the covenant. Yet, God remains faithful, offering the hope that they will be able to seek the LORD, turn back to Him, and obey His commandments.

Following are some reflections that may be beneficial to consider when studying this passage:

  • Verses 15-24
    • These verses are filled with warnings against idolatry.  What modern "idols" do I particularly need to watch myself carefully against?
    • Moses's repetition of his inability to enter the Promised Land may indicate disappointment and regret (ref. 1:37, 3:26-27, 4:21-22, Numbers 20:1-13).  What can I learn from the disappointments and regrets of my past actions?
  • Verses 25-28
    • Based on Israel's history, the warnings in these verses have come to pass.  What are some warnings and consequences from Scripture that I especially need to heed?
  • Verses 29-31
    • What do these verses show me about the LORD my God?

For music inspired by this Scripture passage, following is a link to a YouTube video:

  • "Running to God" (Deuteronomy 4:26) by Lantern Music:  Link


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