Psalm 60


The title of Psalm 60 points to 2 Samuel 8:1-14 or 1 Chronicles 18:1-13 as the background for this psalm.  Israel is attacked from multiple directions and has suffered some defeats because of their sin and disobedience.  But, those who fear God will be delivered and saved.  Trusting in God's holy word, they will "do valiantly" and "tread down ... foes."

Following are some reflections that may be beneficial to consider when meditating on this psalm:
  • Verses 1-3
    • What might we experience when God is no longer on our side in battle because of our sin and disobedience? [For example, "wine to drink that made us stagger" (v. 3) is a picture of confusion and instability]
  • Verse 4
    • Moses referred to God as Jehovah Nissi ("The Lord is my Banner") in Exodus 17:15.  The banner provides symbolic identification with being part of God's army, a rallying point in battle, and victory after battle.  How does knowing that "The Lord is my Banner" give me assurance in my battles?
  • Verse 5
    • Even when we have been disobedient, why is it helpful to remember that we are "beloved" children of God?
  • Verses 6-12
    • Notice the many contrasts highlighted in these verses, such as:
      • God's holiness versus Israel's sinful disobedience
      • Ownership of the Land promised to Israel (represented by Ephraim and Judah) versus defeat to enemies (represented by Moab, Edom, and Philistia)
      • Victory over enemies versus rejection by God
    • Evaluate what our lives are like when we are walking closely with God in contrast to times when we are distanced from Him because our relationship is hindered by sin.

If you would like to meditate on this psalm through music as well, following is a link to a YouTube video:
  • Psalm 60 by Ian White:  Link 


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