Psalm 33


Psalm 33 is a call to give praise and thanksgiving to the LORD.  Reasons to praise Him include His character, His power as Creator, His plans, and His watchful eye.  May the trust and hope of every generation be upon the LORD, as we "sing to Him a new song!"

Following are some reflections that may be beneficial to consider when meditating on this psalm:
  • Verses 1-3:
    • When we sing a "new song" to the LORD, it is not so much that the song is new, but that we continually have new reasons for singing praise to Him!  What do I praise God for today?
  • Verses 4-19:
    • Why does the righteousness and truth of God's character and His word inspire praise? (vs. 4-5)
    • Why is the Creator worthy of awe?  (vs. 6-9)
    • Why does knowing that God's plans endure forever bring blessing? (vs 10-12)
    • Why is it praiseworthy that God sees all and watches over those who fear Him?
  • Verses 20-22:
    • Because God is so worthy of praise and thanksgiving, how should we respond?

If you would like to meditate on this psalm through music as well, following is a link to a YouTube video:
  • "Behold the Eye of the Lord" (Psalm 33:18-20) by Hosanna! Music:  Link


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