Psalm 31


"Then Jesus, calling out with a loud voice, said, 'Father, into your hands I commit my spirit!' And having said this he breathed his last." (Luke 23:46).  Psalm 31:5 includes Christ's last words on the cross.  However, Psalm 31 may also apply to anyone who has ever felt abandoned, alone, attacked, or physically wasting away with grief.  Prayers expressing trust (vv. 1-8 and 14-18) surround the central prayer of distress over the death schemes of the enemies (vv. 9-13). Then, the psalm closes with blessings offered to the LORD, who hears the cries of faithful ones who wait for Him (vv. 19-24).

Following are some reflections that may be beneficial to consider when meditating on this psalm:

  • Verses 1-4
    • How does God's "righteousness deliver me" from shame?
    • In what ways has the LORD been a "rock of refuge" and "strong fortress" for me?
  • Verse 5
    • Take time in prayer, to surrender all to the LORD and to give thanks for redemption through Christ's sacrifice on the cross
  • Verses 6
    • Have I misplaced my trust in any "worthless idols"?
  • Verses 7-8
    • In what ways have I experienced God's "steadfast love" and faithfulness?
  • Verses 9-10
    • What distresses, griefs, sorrows, sighing, or iniquities do I need to lay at the foot of the cross, so that I will not physically waste away?
  • Verses 11-13
    • Before He went to the cross, Jesus knew that even his disciples would abandon Him, for He said, "This very night you will all fall away on account of me, for it is written: 'I will strike the shepherd, and the sheep of the flock will be scattered'" (Matthew 26:31).  In what ways does it help to know that Jesus understands what it is like to feel abandoned and alone?
  • Verses 14-18
    • How do these verses help me to trust in the LORD when facing lies from the Enemy?
  • Verses 19-22
    • How would I finish the following praise:  "Blessed be the LORD, for ..."
    • In what ways has the LORD heard my cries for help?
  • Verses 23-24
    • How can this psalm encourage us to "love the LORD" and wait for Him with strength and courage?

If you would like to meditate on this psalm through music as well, following is a link to a YouTube video:

  • "Into Your Hands I Surrender My Soul" by Kansas City Repertory Singers:  Link


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