Psalm 12

 In this psalm, we once again see that as David cries out to God, he gains perspective for his situation through prayer to the LORD.  He starts by asking for God's help because he feels like all the godly and faithful have vanished, and only the wicked who are boastful and spreading lies prevail on earth.  Yet, God responds with the assurance that He will protect the oppressed.  A sharp contrast is made between God's pure words, as opposed to the lying words of the wicked.  The psalmist closes with a more realistic perspective, that though the wicked are still exalted by men on earth; yet, the LORD will protect the godly.

Following are some reflections that may be beneficial to consider when meditating on this psalm:

  • Verse 1-2
    •  When are times that we see so much wickedness around us (e.g., lies, flattering lips, double hearts) that we wonder where all the godly and faithful have gone?
  • Verses 3-4
    •  Pray for God to be at work to "cut off" all evil.
  • Verses 5-6
    •  What are the promises that God has made in His Word that we can cling to during times when we see so much rampant wickedness?
    • What effect does it have on me to know that God's "pure words" have withstood the test of time and that His promises will endure forever?
  • Verses 7-8
    • What Biblical perspectives can encourage us as Christians, living in the midst of this fallen world?


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