Psalm 11


In this psalm, David declares his confident trust in the LORD as he takes refuge in Him; despite those around him giving advice to flee and hide from the wicked who are shooting at him, in an environment where moral foundations have been destroyed.  David's confidence is because God is on the throne in His heavenly temple and He sees everyone.  While the righteous may be refined through the fire, but the wicked will be judged by the consuming fire.  The psalm closes with assurance that the righteous who have found favor with the King may enter His presence and behold His face.

Following are some reflections that may be beneficial to consider when meditating on this psalm:
  •  Verses 1-3:
    • In what ways might the environment around us be similar to that in the psalm - fearful, life endangering, lacking moral foundations?
    • Is there anything causing me to run and hide, instead of facing my fears through trusting in the LORD?
  • Verses 4-6:
    • How does remembering that God is on His "throne in heaven" give me confidence in the midst of all that is going on around me?
    • In what ways am I being refined by fire through the testing I am facing?
    • What effect does it have on me, to know that the wicked will be judged by a consuming fire?
  • Verse 7
    • In what ways is this last verse reassuring and encouraging?



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