Psalm 6

 Psalm 6 is one of the Penitential Psalms (6, 32, 38, 51, 102, 130, 143).  In this psalm, David is in deep anguish and grief, seeking for God's gracious healing and deliverance.  He is so troubled to his bones and soul, he is asking how long God will continue to rebuke him in His wrath against sin.  He wants to be able to praise God again, though he weeps so much that he floods his bed with tears.  At the end of the psalm, because of God's answer to prayer, David is able to tell his evil enemies to "Depart!"

Following are some reflections that may be beneficial to consider when meditating on this psalm:

  • Verses 1-7
    • What attributes of God are referenced in these verses?
    • Sin can affect our relationship with the LORD, cause physical and spiritual troubles, bring weariness, and cause tears of grief.  
      • What are the effects of sin in my life?
      • In light of this, what would I say to God in my prayers?
  • Verses 8-10
    • God hears our prayers; and through Christ, we have victory over the Enemy.  
      • In light of this, how would I respond to God in prayer?



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