Psalm 10
The psalmist, in verse 1, felt as if God was far away and hidden, because of the arrogance and oppressive actions of the wicked that he describes in verses 2-11. So, he prays for God to take action in verses 12-15; and he closes in praise in verses 16-18; because he recognizes that God indeed hears the cries of the afflicted, and that He will justly judge the wicked and their actions. Following are some reflections that may be beneficial to consider when meditating on this psalm: Verse 1 When are times in which I have felt like God was far away or hidden? How can this psalm help me to gain the right perspective on God and my situations? Verses 2-11 How does the psalmist describe the wicked? Verses 4, 6, and 11 show that God does know what the wicked think in their hearts; yet the wicked are mistaken in thinking that God "has hidden his face." Is it possible that in verse 1, when the psalmist thought God was "hidden," that the psalmist was being influenced by w...