Psalm 2


 Psalm 2 is a Messianic psalm pointing to Jesus as King; and it is one of the most referenced psalms in the New Testament.  It can be viewed in four parts:

  • Verses 1-3 Rebellion of the Nations
  • Verses 4-6 God's Rule in Heaven
  • Verses 7-9 Promise of Messiah's Reign
  • Verses 10-12 Counsel to the Nations

Following are some reflections that may be beneficial to consider when meditating on the sections of this psalm:

  • Verses 1-3
    • Why do the nations rebel against God and what is ironic in verse 3 about their desire to break bonds? 
    • In what ways might I be vainly rebelling against God in my own life?
  • Verses 4-6
    • How does God's response demonstrate His sovereignty? 
    • How do these verses give me assurance in the midst of the anger and rebellion in the world?
  • Verses 7-9
    • How are these verses fulfilled in Christ? 
    • How should Christ's kingdom reign affect my life?
  • Verses 10-12
    • What is God's counsel to the nations?
    • Based on this passage, how can we be praying for the leaders and nations of the world?
If you would like to meditate on this psalm through music as well, following are links to YouTube videos of pieces from Handel's Messiah referencing verses from Psalm 2:
  • "Why Do the Nations So Furiously Rage Together" (Psalm 2:1-2):  Link
  • "Let Us Break Their Bonds Asunder" (Psalm 2:3):  Link
  • "He That Dwelleth" (Psalm 2:4): Link
  • "Thou Shalt Break Them With a Rod of Iron" (Psalm 2:9):  Link


Grace said…
The insight shared last week during discussions was notable, that if Psalm 1& 2 together introduce the Book of Psalms, then we can see that Psalm 1 points to the written Word of God and Psalm 2 points to Jesus, the living Word of God.

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