Deuteronomy 9:1-12
Deuteronomy 9:1-12 emphasize that it is God's faithfulness to the covenant and His righteousness in punishing the wicked that will enable Israel to defeat the mighty nations in the Promised Land. Israel is warned against a proud heart and reminded of their stubborn rebellion from the time they left Egypt to now. Even at Horeb or Mount Sinai, when God was giving them the Commandments, they had made the graven image of a golden calf (ref. Exodus 32).
Following are some reflections that may be beneficial to consider when studying this passage:
- Verses 1-3
- These verses say "today" or "now" is the time when the long-awaited promise of the Land is to be fulfilled. What should I remember when facing something I have long anticipated, know will change my life, but have substantial concerns about?
- Verses 4-6
- These verses remind Israel three times that they are being given the Land NOT because of their righteousness. How might this also be a warning to me about having a prideful heart?
- Verses 7-12
- What can help guard us from rebelling against our holy and faithful God?