Psalm 119:145-160


Psalm 119 is the longest psalm in the Bible. It consists of 22 sections, one for each of the letters in the Hebrew alphabet in order.  Each section has 8 verses, all beginning with that Hebrew letter in the original language. The theme of the psalm is love for God's Word. Several terms are used throughout the psalm to refer to God's Word: 
  • Law (torah) - instruction or teaching
  • Testimonies (edot) - associated with testifying to God's will according to the covenant
  • Precepts (piqqudim) - details on actions to take
  • Statutes or Decrees (huqqim) - authoritative written orders prescribed by God
  • Commandments (miswot) - commands or orders
  • Rules or Judgments or Ordinances (mispatim) - ruling or judgment on what is right and wrong
  • Word or Promise (dabarimrah) - spoken promises or revelation
Other terms that may also be considered referencing Divine wisdom and revelation are "ways" or "way."

Following are some reflections that may be beneficial to consider when meditating on verses 145-152 (QOPH) and 153-160 (RESH) of this psalm:

  • Verses 145-152
    • At what times are we are not able to pray eloquently but just need cry out to God with our whole heart?
    • In verses 150-151, the psalmist contrasted how the enemies draw near to persecute BUT focuses instead on how the LORD is near. How does focusing on the nearness of God help us when our Enemy is dangerously closing in?
    • What do I learn about God and His Word through the QOPH section?
  • Verses 153-160
    • What does it mean to me personally for Jesus to be my Advocate and for His righteous judgments to endure forever?
    • What do I learn about God and His Word through the RESH section?

If you would like to meditate on this psalm through music as well, following are links to YouTube videos:
  • "Qoph" by Exodus Church: Link
  • "Resh" by Exodus Church: Link


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