Psalm 115


Psalm 115 is part of the Egyptian Hallel series (psalms 113-118), typically sung during the Passover Feast to celebrate deliverance from slavery in Egypt. This psalm may be intended to be sung antiphonally with verses 1-8, 12-13, & 16-18 by the people and verses 9-11 & 14-18 by the priests. All glory is to be given to our sovereign God who is greater than the worthless idols of the world.  God's people can trust Him for His help, protection, and blessings. God is to be praised "from this time forth and forevermore."

Following are some reflections that may be beneficial to consider when meditating on this psalm:

  • Verse 1
    • When might I have sought glory for myself instead of giving all glory to God?
  • Verses 2-3
    • How can we point those around us to our sovereign heavenly God?
  • Verses 4-8
    • These verses show that those who worship idols become like them, unable to speak, see, hear, smell, feel, walk, or make a sound. In what ways might the idols in my life get in the way of my usefulness for the LORD?
  • Verses 9-15
    • These verses exhort Israel, the Levites, and those who fear the LORD to trust that He will help, protect, and bless. In what areas of my life do I need to trust in God's goodness more?
  • Verses 16-18
    • Why do I praise the LORD?

If you would like to meditate on this psalm through music as well, following is a link to a YouTube video:

  • "Trust in God" (Psalm 115) by Teshuva: Link


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