Psalm 106:1-23


Psalm 106 is a historical psalm highlighting God's faithfulness despite Israel's frequent rebellion. Verses 1-5 begin with praise to the LORD for His mighty deeds and prayer for his favor.  Verses 6-23 recognize that Israel forgot God's works and repeatedly tested Him in the wilderness, such as through rebelling at the Red Sea, revolting against Moses and Aaron, and worshipping the golden calf. 

Following are some reflections that may be beneficial to consider when meditating on this psalm:

  • Verses 1-5
    • What are some reasons given for why God's people should tell of His mighty deeds and declare His praises?
  • Verses 6-23
    • What can happen in my life whenever I forget God, His words, or the wondrous works He has done?
    • Verse 15 says, "And He gave them their request, but sent leanness into their soul."  What can we learn from the times we might have received what we asked for, which provided temporary satisfaction for what we wanted but not what our soul needed?
    • Verses 16-18 describe Korah's rebellion (Numbers 16), yet only his co-conspirators Dathan and Abiram are named.  What might this show about God's redemption, considering that many of the psalms are written by the Sons of Korah.
    • To stand in the breach is a military term to hold back attack where a gap exists in the defenses.  In verse 23, Moses stands in the gap, created by the sins of Israel, to plead for God's mercy (Exodus 32:9-14). In what ways might we also stand in the breach?

If you would like to meditate on this psalm through music as well, following is a link to a YouTube video:

  • "Banks of the Nile" (Psalm 106) by Kiran Young Wimberly & The McGraths:  Link


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