
Showing posts from March, 2023

Psalm 106:24-48

Psalm 106 is a historical psalm highlighting God's faithfulness despite Israel's frequent rebellion. Verses 24-43 continue the account of Israel forgetting God's promises about the Land resulting in their wandering forty years in the wilderness, Israel's Baal worship at Peor, Israel angering God at the waters of Meribah, and Israel's sin in Canaan resulting in captivity and exile.  YET, despite Israel's history of disobedience, verses 44-46 tell of God's faithfulness to His covenant. Verse 47 offers a prayer for salvation and restoration.  Then in verse 48, the psalm and Book IV ends with a doxology. Following are some reflections that may be beneficial to consider when meditating on this psalm: Verses 24-27 Israel chose not to listen to Joshua and Caleb's report but instead became fearful of the "giants" in the Land (Numbers 13-14).  Are there times in which my fears cause me to miss out on God's promises? Verses 28-31 Israel's Baal wo...

Psalm 106:1-23

  Psalm 106 is a historical psalm highlighting God's faithfulness despite Israel's frequent rebellion. Verses 1-5 begin with praise to the LORD for His mighty deeds and prayer for his favor.  Verses 6-23 recognize that Israel forgot God's works and repeatedly tested Him in the wilderness, such as through rebelling at the Red Sea, revolting against Moses and Aaron, and worshipping the golden calf.  Following are some reflections that may be beneficial to consider when meditating on this psalm: Verses 1-5 What are some reasons given for why God's people should tell of His mighty deeds and declare His praises? Verses 6-23 What can happen in my life whenever I forget God, His words, or the wondrous works He has done? Verse 15 says, " And He gave them their request, but sent leanness into their soul. "  What can we learn from the times we might have received what we asked for, which provided temporary satisfaction for what we wanted but not what our soul needed? Ve...

Psalm 105:24-45

  Psalm 105 is a historical psalm, giving thanks to the LORD for all His wondrous works and covenant promises. Verses 24-38 recount God sending Moses and Aaron to demonstrate His power through the plagues and deliver His people from Egypt.  Verses 39-42 retell of God protecting Israel through the wilderness and providing food and water.  Verses 42-45 close with God remembering His covenant by bringing His people into the Promised Land to "keep His statutes and observe His laws." Following are some reflections that may be beneficial to consider when meditating on this psalm: Verse 24 The people of Israel were "very fruitful" despite oppression in Egypt.  How might difficult circumstances in our lives cause us to be even more fruitful? Verses 25-38 C.H. Spurgeon says, "God cannot in any sense be the author of sin so far as to be morally responsible for its existence, but it often happens through the evil which is inherent in human nature that the acts of the Lord...

Psalm 105:1-23

  Psalm 105 is a historical psalm, giving thanks to the LORD for all His wondrous works and covenant promises. Verses 1-23 recount the covenant with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, the protection of His people, and the sending of Joseph to rise in power during the famine before bringing Israel to Egypt. [NOTE: Verses 1-15 were sung in 1 Chronicles 16:8-22 when David brought the Ark to Jerusalem.] Following are some reflections that may be beneficial to consider when meditating on this psalm: Verses 1-6  Why is it important to give thanks, call, make known, sing praises, tell, glory, seek, rejoice, and remember? Verses 7-11 What assurance does it give me to know that the LORD's covenant is everlasting? Verses 12-15 In what ways has God protected me as His chosen one? Verses 16-23 The story of Joseph is recounted in these verses through the lenses of faith.  What do I see when I view my past through eyes of faith? If you would like to meditate on this psalm through music as well...