Psalm 93


Psalm 93 is part of a group of psalms (Psalms 47, 95-100) that declare God's reign over all creation. The LORD sits on the throne and is mightier than any thunderous waves of the sea.  He reigns with truth and holiness forever. Amen!

Following are some reflections that may be beneficial to consider when meditating on this psalm:
  • Verses 1-2
    • Are there any areas of my life that still need to be submitted under the LORD's kingship?
  • Verses 3-4
    • Through what thunderous floods and waves in my life do I need to be reminded that God is mightier than them all?
  • Verse 5
    • Knowing God's Word is trustworthy and that He is Holy, how should I respond?

If you would like to meditate on this psalm through music as well, following is a link to a YouTube video:
  • "The Lord Almighty Reigns" (Psalm 93) by Sovereign Grace Music: Link


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