Psalm 89:38-52


Psalm 89 is the last psalm in Book III.  Verses 1-18 focus on the glory of the LORD, 19-37 on the Davidic Covenant, and 38-51 on laments.  Then, verse 52 concludes Book III with a doxology.  In this last section, the psalmist is having difficulty understanding present circumstances, because they seem to conflict with the covenant promises that he praised God for in verses 1-37.  However, he also recognizes that the people have sinned and broken the covenant.  Thus, he appeals to God's steadfast love and faithfulness.  By closing with praise, he acknowledges, as in the beginning of the psalm, that God can be trusted to fulfill His promises because of who He is forever.

Following are some reflections that may be beneficial to consider when meditating on this psalm:

  • Verses 38-45
    • When are times I have struggled to understand difficult circumstances?
    • How does keeping the eternal perspective help us through challenging times?
  • Verses 46-51
    • In what ways does the gospel message provide answers to those who might be asking questions similar to the ones in these verses?
  • Verse 52
    • As Book III closes with this doxology, how might I too give God praise for the ways in which I have grown through meditating on Book III?

If you would like to meditate on this psalm through music as well, following is a link to a YouTube video:

  • "Forever" (Psalm 89:46-52) by Psalter Project: Link


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