Psalm 81


Psalm 81 may be considered a prophetic psalm, because of its similarities to oracles of Old Testament prophets. The beginning verses of the psalm indicate that it is likely connected to a Feast celebration.  Then God speaks to His people, reminding them of how He has delivered them from slavery in Egypt, but also of how they have tested Him through their stubborn unfaithfulness.  In the closing verses, we see God's desire for Israel to listen to Him and walk in His ways.  We are also reminded of the theme of blessings to the righteous and destruction for the wicked.

Following are some reflections that may be beneficial to consider when meditating on this psalm:
  • Verses 1-5
    • These verses describe a call for the people to worship in singing, the Levites to play instruments to lead in music, and the priest to sound the trumpet in celebration of a festival that God has decreed.  What have I consecrated and set apart for celebration and worship of the LORD?
  • Verses 6-10
    • These verses describe God delivering His people from Egypt, experiences in the wilderness such as the incident at Meribah (ref. Exodus 17:1-7), and the people's continuing response of disobedience.  How have I responded to the distress, testing, and trials in my life?
  • Verses 11-12
    • What do these verses show me about the heart of man?
  • Verses 13-16
    • What do these verses show me about the heart of God?

If you would like to meditate on this psalm through music as well, following is a link to a YouTube video:
  • "Sing for Joy to God our Savior" (Psalm 81) from Psalm Musicals:  Link


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