Psalm 84

Psalm 84 is another psalm of the Sons of Korah, who were gatekeepers as well as Levitical singers. Since the psalmist longs to be in God's dwelling place, he considers the sparrows who build nests at the Temple and people who make pilgrimages there to be blessed. He also prays for God's favor upon the anointed king, which ultimately points to Jesus. He closes with praise to God for blessings to those who trust in Him. Following are some reflections that may be beneficial to consider when meditating on this psalm: Verses 1-4 How much do I really long to be in God's presence and to sing His praises? Verses 5-7 What do these verses show us about strength for our journeys? The word Baca can be translated as weeping or tears. When are times that our valley of tears might be made into springs of joy? Verses 8-9 Pray now for leaders we know who have been appointed by God. Verses 10-12 In what ways are those who trust in the LORD blessed? If you would lik...