Psalm 69


Psalm 69 is another lament of David. It begins with powerfully descriptive metaphors of flooding waters and deep mire for what he is going through.  While he recognizes his own foolishness, yet it is without cause that he is being hated by many enemies. Still, his primary concerns were for God's honor and to not cause shame to the community.  He turns to God in prayer, with an imprecatory section for those who dishonor God.  Even in the midst of overwhelming circumstances, he is able to close in praise and calls all heaven and earth to praise God!  Also, several verses of this psalm are referenced in the New Testament.  The verses referenced are:
  • v. 4 in John 15:25
  • v. 9 in John 2:17 and Romans 15:3
  • v. 21 in John 19:28-29, Matthew 27:34,48, Mark 15:23,36, and Luke 23:36
  • v. 22-23 in Romans 11:9-10
  • v. 25 in Matthew 23:38 and Acts 1:20

Following are some reflections that may be beneficial to consider when meditating on this psalm:
  • Verses 1-3
    • In what overwhelming circumstances might I just need to cry out, "Save me, O God!" as David did in verse 1?
  • Verses 4-5
    • When we are facing opposition, even if it is "without cause," why might it still be beneficial to consider our own foolishness and wrongdoing?
  • Verses 6-8
    • In what ways might negative circumstances in one part of the Body of Christ affect others in the community of believers?
  • Verses 9-12
    • David zealously wanted to build the Temple, and Jesus overturned tables to cleanse the Temple from the sellers and money-changers.  In what ways can I be zealous for God?
  • Verses 13-21
    • What can we learn from these verses regarding prayer? (e.g., v.13 mentions God's timing and love)
  • Verses 22-28
    • These verses comprise the imprecatory section of the psalm, calling for judgment upon the wicked who have dishonored God and caused harm to others.  In what ways might the wicked be judged?
  • Verses 29-36
    • Verse 29 begins with "But" and follows with praise.  How are we able to praise God despite overwhelming afflictions and pain?

If you would like to meditate on this psalm through music as well, following is a link to a YouTube video:
  • "Turn To The Lord" (Psalm 69) by Francesca LaRosa:  Link


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