Psalm 63


Psalm 63 records David's prayer as he is in the wilderness, fleeing from those who seek to destroy his life.  Just as David is thirsting for water in the dry and barren land surrounding him, his soul and flesh long for God. He remembers the power and glory of God and recognizes that God's steadfast love is better than life.  David praises God and sings for joy, because God satisfies, protects, and upholds.  

Following are some reflections that may be beneficial to consider when meditating on this psalm:
  • Verse 1
    • How much do I truly long for the Living Water with my whole being, as I travel through this dry and weary world?
  • Verses 2-4
    • How do I respond to seeing God's power, glory, and steadfast love in my life? 
  • Verses 5-8
    • What truly satisfies my soul?  [NOTE: "Fat and rich food" can be a picture of God's grace, beyond just food to satisfy hunger]
    • Even when we are not able to sleep at night, what can we meditate on and remember of God which can bring us joy?
  • Verse 9-11
    • In keeping with the common theme in wisdom literature, what happens to the wicked in contrast to the righteous?

If you would like to meditate on this psalm through music as well, following is a link to a YouTube video:
  • "Better Than Life" (Psalm 63) by Shane and Shane: Link


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