Psalm 56


The background to Psalm 56 includes the circumstances recorded in 1 Samuel 21:10-15, when David is captured by the Philistines in Gath.  David cries out to God in the midst of his fears due to the constant attacks from his many enemies. With the assurance that God is for him and knows all that he is going through, David repeats his trust in God in the choruses of this Psalm.  He closes with the declaration that God's deliverance enables him to walk rightly in His presence and light. 

Following are some reflections that may be beneficial to consider when meditating on this psalm:
  • Verses 1-2
    • David repeats the phrase "all day long."  What does this, along with phrases he uses such as "trample on me," "oppress me," or "attack me," show about what he is going through?
  • Verses 3-4
    • When we feel afraid and constantly "trampled on,"  what can we do?
  • Verses 5-7
    • What does verse 7 tell us about the fate of the wicked?  Why should we think about the fate of the wicked when suffering from their attacks?
  • Verse 8
    • What do these verses tell me about God's awareness of our troubles and griefs?
  • Verses 9-11
    • What assurances about God can we trust in?
    • [NOTE:  Verses 10-11 are key, since they are like a chorus, similar to verses 3-4]
  • Verses 12-13
    • When are times that God has delivered me, for which I can give thanks to Him?
    • [NOTE:  Psalm 34 is the record of the praise and thanksgiving David offered to God for deliverance from his circumstances in this Psalm 55] 

If you would like to meditate on this psalm through music as well, following is a link to a YouTube video:
  • "Psalm 56" by Jon Micah Sumrall:  Link


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