
Showing posts from December, 2021

Psalm 57

  Psalm 57 is one of the "cave psalms," along with Psalm 142, in which David is hiding in a cave as he is fleeing from Saul (1 Samuel 22:1).  Yet, even as his life is in danger, he knows that God will protect and fulfill His purposes.  So, he sings out in praise to God, likely longing for his harp and lyre, as he exalts God above the heavens and His glory over all the earth. Following are some reflections that may be beneficial to consider when meditating on this psalm: Verse 1: How might starting our prayers to God with the repeated phrase, " be merciful to me " affect our prayerful attitudes? God may not stop the storms in our lives, but He protects us under "the shadow of [His] wings" until they pass by.  How does this perspective help us as we face storms? Verse 2 In what ways has God "fulfilled His purpose for me" through the storms I have experienced? [NOTE: Philippians 1:6 says "And I am sure of this, that he who began a good work in ...

Psalm 56

  The background to Psalm 56 includes the circumstances recorded in 1 Samuel 21:10-15, when David is captured by the Philistines in Gath.  David cries out to God in the midst of his fears due to the constant attacks from his many enemies. With the assurance that God is for him and knows all that he is going through, David repeats his trust in God in the choruses of this Psalm.  He closes with the declaration that God's deliverance enables him to walk rightly in His presence and light.  Following are some reflections that may be beneficial to consider when meditating on this psalm: Verses 1-2 David repeats the phrase "all day long."  What does this, along with phrases he uses such as "trample on me," "oppress me," or "attack me," show about what he is going through? Verses 3-4 When we feel afraid and constantly "trampled on,"  what can we do? Verses 5-7 What does verse 7 tell us about the fate of the wicked?  Why should we think abou...

Psalm 55

  In Psalm 55, David cries out to God as his life is in danger because of wicked enemies.  His situation is so overwhelming that he even longs to escape by flying far way with wings like a dove.  To add to the pain, his troubles are being caused by someone who was formerly a familiar friend.  Because of the resulting violence, strife, oppression and fraud he sees around him in the city, David calls for God's judgment and justice upon the wicked.  In contrast, the righteous can cast their burden upon the LORD and trust in Him! Following are some reflections that may be beneficial to consider when meditating on this psalm: Verses 1-5 David cries out to God in the midst of restlessness, trouble, anguish, terrors of death, fear, and overwhelming horror.  What situations in my life have caused me to go through similar experiences? Verses 6-8 When are times that I have also longed to fly far away to find shelter from raging tempests? Verses 9-11 Take time now to ...