Psalm 36

Psalm 36 carries the common theme in Wisdom literature of the contrast between wickedness and righteousness. At the center of the psalm is a focus on the steadfast love of the LORD that "extends to the heavens" and is immeasurable. God's love, faithfulness, righteousness, and justice affects all creation. He provides protection and abundant blessing; for He is the "fountain of life" and the light. The psalm closes in prayer in response to the lovingkindness of God contrasted with the wickedness of man. Following are some reflections that may be beneficial to consider when meditating on this psalm: Verses 1-4 What do these verses tell us about the sinful nature of man? (For example, verse 4 says that the wicked person "plots trouble while on his bed," indicating that they are continually plotting evil, not resting even when it is time to sleep) The Apostle Paul quotes Psalm 36:1b in Romans 3:18 as he describes the depravity of mankind, leading to...