Psalm 29
This psalm is a call to give glory and worship to the Almighty God of all creation. Using the imagery of a thunderstorm that sweeps through the region, the psalmist describes the strong and powerful "voice of the LORD." We are reminded that even in the never before and never again seen power of the Flood, God still "sits enthroned," just as He will do so "forever." This same all-powerful God is the One who gives His people strength, and blesses us with Shalom!
Following are some reflections that may be beneficial to consider when meditating on this psalm:
- Verses 1-2
- These two verses are likely addressed to the angels or heavenly beings; but because the LORD is worthy of all worship, take time now to to "ascribe to the LORD the glory [and worship] due His name!"
- Verses 3-9
- Reflect on the "voice of the LORD" in creation, revelation, and nature. What have we learned about God through His "voice"?
- What effect does it have on me to know that God is more powerful than any storm I face in my life?
- Verses 10-11
- What assurance does it give us that the LORD "sits enthroned" forever?
- In what areas of my life right now do I most need the LORD's strength and peace?
If you would like to meditate on this psalm through music as well, following is a link to a YouTube video:
- "Come and Sing Praises" by The Maranatha! Singers: Link