Psalm 27


In Psalm 27, David is unafraid, because of his confidence in the LORD; and especially in God's protection from all his enemies.  The greatest place of security and shelter is in the presence of the LORD.  David seeks "to gaze upon the beauty of the LORD" (vs. 4), to see His face (vs 8), and to walk in His ways (vs 11).  Because of the "goodness of the LORD" (vs 13), the people of God are encouraged to "wait for the LORD" (vs 14), and to be strong and courageous.

Following are some reflections that may be beneficial to consider when meditating on this psalm:

  • Verse 1
    • What are my fears?  
    • How does knowing that the LORD is my light, my salvation, and the stronghold of my life, help me not to be afraid?
  • Verses 2-3
    • When I consider the troubles that encamp around me, what can help give me confidence in the LORD?
  • Verses 4-10
    • Take time in prayer and quiet reflection to seek God's face, "to gaze upon the beauty of the LORD," and to rejoice that He "hides me in His shelter" and lifts me up.
    • How does it make me feel, knowing that even if those closest to us might forsake us, God will always receive me (vs. 10)?
  • Verses 11-12
    • Are there things in my life that get in the way of waiting for the LORD with strength, courage, and hopeful expectancy?

If you would like to meditate on this psalm through music as well, following is a link to a YouTube video:

  • "The Lord is My Light" by Maranatha! Music:  Link


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