Psalm 28
As David begins Psalm 28, he is once again in a dark place. In other psalms, he has talked about God's hiddenness; and here, he feels God's silence, as he asks God not to be deaf to his prayers. Maybe David felt this way because he was weighed down by his own sin. We see that he pleas for mercy, contemplates the actions and fate of the wicked, and talks about not wanting to "go down to the pit" nor to be dragged "off with the wicked." However, toward the end of this prayer, David gains perspective, and recognizes that the LORD indeed hears and answers. So David is able to close in praise and thanksgiving, for God is his strength, shield, refuge, and shepherd. Following are some reflections that may be beneficial to consider when meditating on this psalm: Verses 1-2 Whenever I have felt like God is silent and not answering my prayers, what might be some of the reasons I felt that way, in spite of the truth that God does hear and answer? Just as David ...