Psalm 17


This is another psalm in which David is being attacked by wicked enemies, but he turns to the LORD and pleads his case before God. He asks for vindication, protection, and deliverance.  He then closes with the assurance of satisfaction in God's presence now and ultimately for eternity.  Charles Spurgeon said "The smell of the furnace is upon the present psalm, but there is evidence in the last verse that he who wrote it came unharmed out of the flame."

Following are some reflections that may be beneficial to consider when meditating on this psalm:

  • Verses 1-5
    • At times when I feel attacked or judged by others, what can I learn from David's example when turning to the LORD in prayer?
  • Verses 6-7
    • In what ways have I personally experienced God demonstrating the characteristics referenced in these verses, such as His answers to prayers, steadfast love or lovingkindness, refuge, etc.?
  • Verse 8
    • Reflect on metaphors in this verse, the "apple of your eye" and "shadow of your wings," which illustrate God's protection of all who are precious to Him.
  • Verses 9-13
    • What can I learn about the wicked from these verses?
  • Verses 14-15
    • In contrast to the world, "whose portion is in this life," what should bring me satisfaction?

If you would like to meditate on this psalm through music as well, following is a link to a YouTube video:
  •  "Apple of Your Eye" (Psalm 17) by Sons of Korah:  Link


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