Psalm 21
Psalm 21 is another a royal psalm, but this one is sung by the people of Israel to praise God after battle, for victory. God is exalted and praised for His strength, salvation, answer to prayers, and blessings. This psalm also points to Jesus, who fulfills the promise of the Davidic Covenant to establish the throne of his kingdom "forever and ever" (verse 4 and 6). Just as the people of Israel sang praises for their king's victory; the Church can sing praises for Christ's victories, and we look forward with hope to His final victory over the Enemy in His Second Coming. Amen! Following are some reflections that may be beneficial to consider when meditating on this psalm: Looking at the what the Israelites praised the LORD for, what praises can we similarly offer to Christ our King? In verse 2, the people praise God for answering their prayers, such as those that were lifted up in Psalm 20. At times when we are not experiencing victory, are there things in o...