Psalm 15

Psalm 15, in contrast to the previous psalm, focuses on the righteous.  In verse 1, David asks the question of who may enter the holy presence of the LORD, both temporarily by abiding in His tabernacle or more permanently through dwelling on His holy hill.  The rest of the verses answer this question, listing characteristics of the righteous related to living, doing, speaking, and treatment of others.  The psalm ends with the assurance that the righteous will "never be moved!"

Following are some reflections that may be beneficial to consider when meditating on this psalm:

  • Verse 1
    • During David's time, only the priests were able to to enter God's presence and to dwell in the tabernacle; but we now "have confidence to enter the holy place by the blood of Jesus" (Hebrews 10:19).  Spend time in prayer, giving thanks for the privilege of being able to enter God's presence and for the glorious hope of being able to dwell in the house of the LORD forever!
  • Verses 2-5a
    • Are the following characteristic of my life?
      • Walks in integrity
      • Does right
      • Speaks truth
      • No slander
      • No evil
      • No harm to others
      • Despises the vile
      • Honors those who fear the LORD
      • Keeps word
      • Does not renege
      • No usury
      • No bribes
  • Verse 5b
    • What comfort does it bring to be assured that I will "never be moved"?  In other words, that I will be able to stand firm, not be shaken, not be knocked down, not be blown about, have stability, and dwell in God's presence all the days of my life.
If you would like to meditate on this psalm through music as well, following is a link to a YouTube video: 
  • "Your Holy Hill (Psalm 15)" by My Soul Among Lions:  Link  (a casual living room session)


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