Psalm 47
Psalm 47 is an invitation to " all peoples" to praise God, because He is King "over all the earth." It is not a psalm of quiet meditation and prayer. It is an exuberant celebration of our awesome God and King, with clapping of hands, shouting with "loud songs of joy," and trumpet sounds! "God sits on His holy throne" and "reigns over all the nations!" He is worthy of all praise and worship! Amen! Amen! Following are some reflections that may be beneficial to consider when meditating on this psalm: Verse 1 When gathered with the people of God, what effect does it have to clap, shout with joy, and sing praises loudly together? Verses 2-4 Why is God worthy of our worship? " Selah " pauses the song after verse 4, which recognizes God's sovereign choice and His love. Take time now to pause and reflect on God choosing us and loving us. Verses 5-9 C.H. Spurgeon says of verse 5, "The words are fully applicable to th...