Psalm 1

Psalm 1 can be considered an introduction to the Book of Psalms, reflecting a theme common to Wisdom literature: righteous living leads to life and blessings, in contrast to wicked living which leads to destruction and curses. Verse 2 is a key verse focusing on meditating day and night on God's Word. (NOTE: "the law of the LORD" is "Torah," which can specifically refer to the Pentateuch, but more generally to God's instructions and thus, to what He has revealed in His Word) To "meditate" is to mutter, contemplate, and ponder, so that God's Word enters our hearts and minds; and is then lived out in our actions. It is like chewing and digesting, in order to internalize, nourish, and then bear fruit. Following are some reflections that may be beneficial to consider while meditating upon this psalm: Verse 1: What does being "Blessed" indicate? What temptations and sins do I need to address in my life? Of the sins that th...